The official site where you can browse & purchase online
Rob Crawfurd is the creator of the Stripverhaal website which features many of Freddy’s original comic strip pages.
As a great fan of Freddy’s comic Strips, Rob contacted him after Freddy had relocated to the United States, and subsequently they developed a contract for Rob to market these original pages.
You can view and purchase these comic book pages directly from
Freddy Julsing Fan Site
The following link is the Freddy Julsing Fan Page Freddy Fan Page.
The “Fred Julsing Fansite” was created by Vilmar Vogelaar who grew up enjoying Freddy’s comics. In the early 80’s Vilmar began collecting Freddy’s works beginning with the Fairy Tales Freddy had done. In 2000, Vilmar combined his love of Freddy’s works with his learning to build a web site.
Even though Vilmar could only find limited information, he put what he had on the web hoping to get responses and more information.
Within a few weeks he began hearing from other fans of Freddy who each shared more information, and the site began to grow. Freddy, who was already living in California, saw the site and, with deep appreciation, Freddy personally contacted Vilmar. They began working together long distance and Vilmar was able to complete the fansite.
The fansite is for your viewing pleasure and information. There are no products to purchase on the fansite.